Psychology and liars:
Psychology is a surprising and wonderful subject by means of which a person is enabled to study the minds of the individuals. It is an art in the sense that everything concerned with the individual is defined clearly and discussed elaborately. It is a science in the sense that there are experiments conducted in studying the characteristics of the persons with individual difference. Using the knowledge of mind reading process, an expert can identify and expose the liars. There are some special methods to detect a liar prevalent and hiding everywhere.
Characteristics of a liar:
Characteristics of a liar:
Liars are in general busy and cautious with the environment. They know if they are exposed, the society will not believe them. To escape from this danger, a liar takes special efforts and pull on their way. A liar uses the promising words ‘I am telling only truth’. They try repeatedly one message to establish its validity and reliability. They behave in an extraordinary way of activities too. To hide their inefficiency in certain things, they choose lying as an alternative weapon. Comparing the real back ground of the individual and his words, an expert will easily identify him as a liar.
Where are the liars?:
The answer to this question is very simple but really surprising may not be believable. This suspense lies in the fact that liars are everywhere at all places irrespective of sex and age. There is a research report saying that any human is thrown to circumstances to tell a lie at least once in three or four weeks which is really interesting. This is known as delusive lying with the following qualities in general.
->Lying is avoided when in face-to-face meet.
-> Liars choose phone as the best channel for lying
-> Lying is chosen for futile reasons, may be for fun and mockery too
-> Lying is repeated for establishing a true image
-> Sometimes lying is exaggerated for some hidden reason
Is lying a criminal act?
There are two answers for this question. Any answer should be justified for its strength. Lying is not a criminal act even though it may be serious. If a person chooses to tell a lie for a better thing, it may be admitted in spite of its serious nature. If by lying some damage is caused to good name, property or good opinion and good image, it cannot be borne with patience. Alternatively, when a person comes forward to tell one or two lying words in the interest of a genuine person in danger and genuine property to be saved, it is admissible for good reasons. So, it is an undeniable fact that lying is not always harmful. It is so only when it is for bad consequences. Definitely, lying for good things is harmless. It is not punishable only for its seriousness but for the purpose behind it.
The answer to this question is very simple but really surprising may not be believable. This suspense lies in the fact that liars are everywhere at all places irrespective of sex and age. There is a research report saying that any human is thrown to circumstances to tell a lie at least once in three or four weeks which is really interesting. This is known as delusive lying with the following qualities in general.
->Lying is avoided when in face-to-face meet.
-> Liars choose phone as the best channel for lying
-> Lying is chosen for futile reasons, may be for fun and mockery too
-> Lying is repeated for establishing a true image
-> Sometimes lying is exaggerated for some hidden reason
Is lying a criminal act?
There are two answers for this question. Any answer should be justified for its strength. Lying is not a criminal act even though it may be serious. If a person chooses to tell a lie for a better thing, it may be admitted in spite of its serious nature. If by lying some damage is caused to good name, property or good opinion and good image, it cannot be borne with patience. Alternatively, when a person comes forward to tell one or two lying words in the interest of a genuine person in danger and genuine property to be saved, it is admissible for good reasons. So, it is an undeniable fact that lying is not always harmful. It is so only when it is for bad consequences. Definitely, lying for good things is harmless. It is not punishable only for its seriousness but for the purpose behind it.