Monday, October 6, 2008


Problem solving process:
Human mind is always occupied with anxieties about life and facing environmental problems. Darwin’s theory emphasizes that survival is a gift only for the fittest. Life is swimming against the stream flow where many global warming problems come across which should be boldly faced and solution sought. As such, you should know the strategies in tackling of life problems. Human philosophy is that life is with full of hurdles and deceptive experiences. The individual has the liberty for trial and error method to problem solving of any type in family life with wealth and poverty.

Types of Problems:
a) Daily problems: Minor in nature, arising and fading away daily which cannot be avoided
b) Temporary problems: Purely temporary but prolonging a few days to fade away.
c) Life long problem: Long durational and in some cases having no permanent solution.
d) Teenage problems: Connected with study, habits, alcohol abuse, sex and security.

Regarding type (a) problem, you need not fear and worry about the same. Type (b) problems can be borne and solved by using problem solving skills with some efforts. They are not long standing. But type (c) problems are tracking the individuals to pessimism. Some of these cannot be solved totally but the intensity be minimized to some level. As such, you should have knowledge in the techniques and strategies in tackling of life problems strategies. Here, you have the liberty to use the service of your friends, no harm. Type (d) problems may be any of the types (a), (b) and (c).

Problem solving steps:

Problems cannot be solved all of a sudden. Problem solving techniques should be followed with some physical baseline supporting for solution. There are five steps to problem solving and decision making.
1. Sensing the problem: The presence of the problem should be identified at its initial stage
2. Comprehension of the problem: The nature of the problem is defined with the facts gathered.
3. Formulation of hypothesis: It is the planning stage of draft plans as problem solving tools
4. Selection of the plan: One right plan is selected after a good evaluation of validity
5. Verification of the plan: The plan selected is verified by applying in solving problems.

Problem solving strategies:
An individual is expected to possess the basic skills like patience and decision making with an understanding about life. Care should be taken in drafting and selecting the plan for action. If the selected plan works successfully, you feel satisfied. If it is unfortunately otherwise, you should not become dejected but try an alternative plan at reserve and a good solution is achieved. Is it not surprising to think that the tackling of life problems and solving involves such a procedure with wise strategies?