In the words of N.L.Nunn, "Forgetting is the loss, permanent or temporary, of the ability to recall or recognize something learned earlier."
Whether fortunate or unfortunate one may think, forgetting follows with memory in many cases. It would be impossible and even foolish to attempt to retain in memory all the daily experiences. Forgetting is a part of our day to day experience. It is most rapid during the first four months of learning. In general, less than half of what is learned is retained at the end of two years. The factors of forgetting are as follows:
i) Lapse of time.
ii) Repression and not willing to recall.
iii) Psychological factors like stress, anxiety, lack of interest, aversion, & psychic problems.
iv) Biological factors like old age, diseases, mal-functioning of brain, and nervous system, accidents, consumption of liquor, using of intoxicating materials, etc.
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