Learning is a mental process which is practiced and experienced throughout one’s life. There are many levels in learning. It is a continuous process with any human and animal. What is learnt once should be utilized. Utilization is possible only when the experiences gained during learning by someway or other is retained in mind. The ability to retain or store the past experiences of learning and utilizing later is called `Memory’. It is the power of conscious recall. It is difficult to recall anything when there is no understanding. In the words of Ryburn, ``The power to store our experiences and to bring them into the field of consciousness some time after the experiences have occurred is termed as Memory.” The reproduction or revival is judged in terms of quality and desired results.
Types of memory:
a) Immediate memory: That memory which helps to recall something in a fraction of a second after perceiving the object or receiving the impulse from a stimulus. The time of retention is very short by a fraction to a few seconds. Old sense impressions disappear in a few seconds. Past impressions are erased and replaced by new ones. Such type of memory is needed very often. A good example is the remembering of the ticket number and a casual phone number.
b) Short term memory: This is also temporary but a little more than the immediate memory in time factor. The time for such type of memory is upto 30 seconds. By rehearsal and regular practice, the time of memory can be extended to a few more seconds.
c) Long term memory: A special capacity is required to store the experiences. No rehearsal is needed and there is no decay of memory. Coding arrangement is done in mind by the brain for permanent memory. Bringing back for use is at ease.
d) Rote memory: The case of memorizing a matter without understanding is called rote memory. Memorising a rhyme or some vedic slogans without understanding is an example for rote memory.
Improving memory:
i) Memory is not simply a process of reproduction but it comprises four factors namely learning, retaining, recalling and recognizing. To improve all these, two methods are suggested. One method is learning as a whole when the unit is small.
ii) The other method is learning by parts when the matter is lengthy in size. Again, regular practice enlightens memory.
iii) Learning by doing is best suggestive wherever possible
iv) Instead of mere reading, it gives good result when short notes are taken on the material
v) Learning by group discussion also helps for memory
Forgetting is a gift:
In the words of N.L.Nunn, ``Forgetting is the loss, permanent or temporary, of the ability to recall or recognize something learned earlier.”
Whether fortunate or unfortunate one may think, forgetting follows with memory in many cases. It would be impossible and even foolish to attempt to retain in memory all the daily experiences. Forgetting is a part of our day to day experience. It is most rapid during the first four months of learning. In general, less than half of what is learned is retained at the end of two years. The factors of forgetting are as follows:
i) Lapse of time
ii) Repression and not willing to recall.
iii) Psychological factors like stress, anxiety, lack of interest, aversion, & psychic problems
iv) Biological factors like old age, diseases, mal-functioning of brain, and nervous system, accidents, consumption of liquor, using of intoxicating materials, etc.
While one feels to say that memory is a gift for somebody, it is true equally for forgetting also. Happy things are to be remembered for ever while unpleasant experiences are to be forgotten. If not, they become burdens by mind level which throw the individual in stress and strain resulting to health problems.
Types of memory:
a) Immediate memory: That memory which helps to recall something in a fraction of a second after perceiving the object or receiving the impulse from a stimulus. The time of retention is very short by a fraction to a few seconds. Old sense impressions disappear in a few seconds. Past impressions are erased and replaced by new ones. Such type of memory is needed very often. A good example is the remembering of the ticket number and a casual phone number.
b) Short term memory: This is also temporary but a little more than the immediate memory in time factor. The time for such type of memory is upto 30 seconds. By rehearsal and regular practice, the time of memory can be extended to a few more seconds.
c) Long term memory: A special capacity is required to store the experiences. No rehearsal is needed and there is no decay of memory. Coding arrangement is done in mind by the brain for permanent memory. Bringing back for use is at ease.
d) Rote memory: The case of memorizing a matter without understanding is called rote memory. Memorising a rhyme or some vedic slogans without understanding is an example for rote memory.
Improving memory:
i) Memory is not simply a process of reproduction but it comprises four factors namely learning, retaining, recalling and recognizing. To improve all these, two methods are suggested. One method is learning as a whole when the unit is small.
ii) The other method is learning by parts when the matter is lengthy in size. Again, regular practice enlightens memory.
iii) Learning by doing is best suggestive wherever possible
iv) Instead of mere reading, it gives good result when short notes are taken on the material
v) Learning by group discussion also helps for memory
Forgetting is a gift:
In the words of N.L.Nunn, ``Forgetting is the loss, permanent or temporary, of the ability to recall or recognize something learned earlier.”
Whether fortunate or unfortunate one may think, forgetting follows with memory in many cases. It would be impossible and even foolish to attempt to retain in memory all the daily experiences. Forgetting is a part of our day to day experience. It is most rapid during the first four months of learning. In general, less than half of what is learned is retained at the end of two years. The factors of forgetting are as follows:
i) Lapse of time
ii) Repression and not willing to recall.
iii) Psychological factors like stress, anxiety, lack of interest, aversion, & psychic problems
iv) Biological factors like old age, diseases, mal-functioning of brain, and nervous system, accidents, consumption of liquor, using of intoxicating materials, etc.
While one feels to say that memory is a gift for somebody, it is true equally for forgetting also. Happy things are to be remembered for ever while unpleasant experiences are to be forgotten. If not, they become burdens by mind level which throw the individual in stress and strain resulting to health problems.
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