Monday, September 1, 2008


Emotion is a complex mental experience involving body and mind. It implies a state of being exited, stirred up and disturbed in one way or another. It is different from ordinary feeling. Emotion is a feeling but not vice versa. Feeling is more localized while emotion is more intense. It is with all humans and animals too. Age is not a factor for emotional disturbance. It is noteworthy that emotional variations can be seen in children from birth itself. Some parents are not aware of the related problems as follows at various stages of growth.

During infancy stage:
At this stage, since the emotions are based on instincts of the growing organism, the emotional responding may not be meaningful. Emotional problems are mostly biological hunger, thirst and fear which can be compensated or subsided by the mother through proper care extended to the child.

During early childhood:

During this stage, problems arise on account of emotional inconveniences as follows.
i) Dominance of unpleasant hazards like anger, jealousy and fear with a little amount of pleasant emotions. This imbalance distorts the outlook of the child on life with pessimism making the child feel the environment unpleasing. The child develops such unpleasant temperament resulting in gloomy facial expressions.
ii) Inability to establish an emotional tie up with significant persons, especially the mother and other family members due to some reason or other. Lack of attachment with mother and absence of cordial relationship with others depress the child without the related pleasure involved. Also lack of affection from others makes the child self bound and have no emotional exchange with others.
iii) Too much affection or over dependence on a single person, probably the mother, makes the child often unsecured and anxious which give the child detachment from peers.
iv) Failure to have attachments to animate or inanimate objects enhances unnecessary anxiety in new situations.

During late childhood:
During this stage, some problems become a little intense and a few new problems starting as listed below.
i) At this period, the children are considered immature when compared with the age-mates and adults in times of unacceptable emotional expressions such as anger, fear and jealousy.
ii) Lack of mind adjustments with and by the peer group.
Iii) Emotional distress and frustration affect effective learning at school. Many teachers fail to convince and guide properly.
Intense, long durational and recurring emotions affect health.

Duties of the parents:
It is the duty of the parents that the age-wise need based problems of the child are understood and measures taken for solving them by giving due recognition to the individuality. The ambitions of the child should be taken into account for proper treatment. Attachment with love and affection reduce the emotions of the child.

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